Passtcert CompTIA LX0-104 exam answers

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So you have no reason not to choose it.CompTIA LX0-104 exam candidates all know the CompTIA LX0-104 exam is not easy to pass. But it is also the only way to success, so they have to choose it. In order to improve the value of your career, you must pass this certification exam. The CompTIA LX0-104 exam answers designed by Passtcert contain different targeted, and have wide coverage. There is no any other books or other information can transcend it. The CompTIA LX0-104 exam answers provided by Passtcert definitely ace exam questions and answers that help you pass the exam. The results many people used prove that Passtcert success rate of up to 100%.

Share some Linux+ LX0-104 exam questions and answers below.
Which Bash option prevents a user from accidentally overwriting a file with a ">"? 
A. set -o safe 
B. set -o noglob 
C. set -o noclobber 
D. set -o append 
E. set -o nooverwrite 
Answer: C

Which of the following commands prints the exit value of the most recently executed program in Bash? 
A. echo $? 
B. echo $# 
C. echo $exit 
D. echo $status 
E. echo $& 
Answer: A

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