Passed C9060-528 with IBM C9060-528 exam questions pdf

Passtcert IBM C9060-528 exam questions pdf are a good guidance. It is the best training materials. You can use the IBM C9060-528 exam questions pdf of Passtcert to pass the exam.We all know that the major problem in the IT industry is a lack of quality and practicality. Passtcert IBM C9060-528 exam questions pdf to prepare for your exam training materials you need. Like actual certification exams, multiple-choice questions to help you pass the exam.
Share some IBM Certified Administrator C9060-528 exam questions and answers below.
Which component will need to be updated to adjust the retention policy for a set of backup clients? 
A. the copy group 
B. the policy set 
C. the management class 
D. the policy domain 
Answer: A

What is the purpose of specifying the option ENABLEDEDUPCACHE YES on the client? 
A. to reduce the load on the client during client backup or archive deduplication processing 
B. to provide a cached copy on the local client system of all objects that are sent toa storage pool during client backup or archive deduplication processing 
C. to ensure that the client uses the server database index to identity extents that need to be sent to the server during client backup or archive processing 
D. to create a referencedatabase on the client that is used to identify data extents that have already been sent to the server during client backup or archive processing 
Answer: A

A large filesystem will be restored. Backup data is spread across one hundred tapes and all four tape drives are currently used. What can be done to optimize the restore process? 
A. update the client to use more mount points for the restore 
B. tune the client option, resource utilization 
C. set up more parallel restore sessions 
D. use MOVE NODEDATA to consolidate data on a disk pool 
Answer: A

What is the purpose of the UPDATE NODE BKREPLRULEDEFAULT= server command?
A. update the node settings by changing the default replication rule for Space Management data
B. update thenode settings by changing both the default replication rule for backing up and archiving data
C. update the node settings by changing the default replication rule for archiving data
D. update the node settings by changing the default replication rule for backing up data
Answer: D

What is a prerequisite when using multiple data streams for backup and restore of the IBM Spectrum Protect server database?
A. sufficient library paths
B. sufficientmount points
C. an installed IBM Spectrum Protect Server Tool
D. DB2 API utility
Answer: B

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